Today's "Grandma Journal" question:
I was about 6 or 7 years old and visiting my grandmother in Illinois one summer when I came down with a virus of some sort. I don't remember being nauseated or anything like that, but I remember being so sick that I began to run a very high fever. My fever began to sore higher than 104 degrees. We were miles away from a hospital, so my parents and grandparents did the first thing they could think of to lower my temperature before it got too high and caused brain damage (apparently it worked too!). They put me into the bathtub filled with cold water and ice. I remember screaming because it was so cold. I didn't like it at all! They held me down in the water as long as they could, then left me wet to keep my body cool - returning me to the bed. I was shivering from the fever and the cold and in my young mind felt worse than I did before. I'm sure my fever must have broken because I don't remember going to a doctor for that illness, but I will never forget that bath! It must be why I refuse to take cold showers when I'm hot or why I refuse to go swimming in a pool that isn't heated. I hate cold water.
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